Nostalgia Aromatherapy

Lilac in bloom

Lilac in bloom

Our senses conjure memories of time’s past. Distinctive shapes accompany colors and casual conversation, pressing the “play” button on recordings archived in our minds and hearts.

Mom's Lilac Tea Cup

Mom’s Lilac Tea Cup

A welcomed, familiar fragrance is often associated with one who has passed. Lilac floods the canvas that is my Mother’s. The heirloom lilac tree grows just outside our old homestead backdoor where the pale, purple perfume wandered in. My Mom chose this lilac backdrop to capture many family celebrations. She spoke of lilac memories a lifetime apart in such an enchanting way; I was convinced were my own.

Lilac Extraction

Lilac Extraction

Blessed with the lilac bouquet from this tree, its essence is preserved in this carefully created extraction:

Mom’s Lilac Spirit
*Infuse in a 6 oz. colored glass spray bottle
1 dropper full of Lilac Extract
4 oz. Distilled H20
3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
3 drops Sage
6 drops Lemongrass
4 drops Geranium (Bourbon Reunion)
½ dropper full Forget-Me-Not Distillate
6 drops Orange
2 drops Neroli

Cherishing Moms’ memory on Mother’s Day, and every day we are touched by their never ending spirit, wisdom and love.  I share this tribute with you, with every spritz, or two.

Mom's Lilac

Mom’s Lilac

Sharing wellbeing among bloggers

It’s like satisfying a nagging craving.  I always crave cake.  The cake-to-icing ratio is my measuring stick for events and people affecting my life.  Frosting is the highlight.  Like yesterday, today I am sharing a couple of newly discovered blogs whose contributions my words cannot do justice. These giving people are the proverbial “icing on the cake”.


View from tree house in “Hershey Children’s Garden” by Bethane M. Evans

Tony Burkinshaw, your energetic, literary style immediately attracted my attention. The rhythmic way you express your work on ‘Posts of Hypnotic Suggestion’ exhibits extensive knowledge through the use of your therapeutic words.

Sarah Langdon, your sweet reminiscence and observations reflect similar memories and feelings in which I find comfort. In your daily ‘Conversations’ posts, I appreciate how you pay tribute to life’s perpetual force through your family’s spirit. Thanks for sharing them with all of us!