Inside burnout

Depression is an emotional manifestation from “burnout”, but what do we know about the physiological origins?  Let’s take a closer look at cause of burnout from inside…



Here’s what we know… Psychological resistance or failure to accept a task or idea can contribute to physiological burnout. How we feel emotionally manifests what we feel physiologically.  Prolonged biological stress reduces energy overtaxing adrenals while impairing blood pressure & hormone regulation, compromising immune function causing associated disorders involving chronic pain.

Let’s take a closer look… Pathophysiology examines the biosynthesis between the sympathetic-adrenergic-medullary (SAM) axis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.   ‘Applied Nutritional Science reports’ Dr. Richard L. Shames’ findings:  Over time, hypercortisolemia initiates catabolism leaving us vulnerable to inflammation, asthma, allergies and autoimmune related diseases.

What micronutrients & herbs can do… Micronutrients and herbs have a synergistic effect on our biochemistry promoting the HPA axis for enhanced immune function, vitality and overall well-being.  Vitamin B6 pantothenic acid, a precursor to coenzyme A, potentiates BP and hormone regulation involved in adrenal hormone production.  Additional nutritional support from the bioavailable form of coenzyme Q10 ubiquinol, promotes healthy cellular ATP production (energy powerhouses of the cell) ; “Delivering both essential & accessory nutrients that help provide resistance to oxidative stress and support mitochondrial energy production via oxidative phosphorylation.” 

Adaptogenic herbal formulas mitigate negative physical fatigue brought on by prolonged stress.  Indigenous herbs across Asia have been known for centuries to modulate these systems.  Holy basil, Panax ginseng and the fungus cordyceps reduce anxiety inducing hormones while achieving a restorative level of function.  Ashwagandha, bacopa, and rhodiola rosea increase energy and promote endurance, eliminating fatigue.  Combined with other stress reduction methods, these adaptogenic herbs normalize the physiology by balancing various immunomodulatory activities.


Restorative herbs

Foods that can restore…Iodine rich algaes like bladderwrack, sea kelp and spirulina in concert with prohormones vitamins A & D, support thyroid synthesis.  Foods high in selenium and zinc minerals further “preserve thyroid integrity.” Coconut oil, wild salmon and pasture raised eggs supplement the body with necessary omega 3 fats with generous sprinklings of Celtic sea salt providing the necessary nutrients to offset “Stress-Induced Dysfunction” we refer to as BURNOUT. 

2 thoughts on “Inside burnout

  1. […] produces hormones that drive the biofeedback system in the hypothalamic-adrenal-pituitary axis. Adaptogenic herbs upregulate hormones reducing stress related effects of cortisol.  Essential conversion of T4 […]


  2. […] cardiovascular disease. Homeostatic imbalances precipitate illness by compromising immune function. Adaptogenic herbs and foods also inhibit excessive catecholamine release substantiating the importance of […]


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